Conveying Systems
1-Pump 5-Station Controller
Operation, Installation, and Service Manual
5200 W. Clinton Ave
Milwaukee, WI 53223
Tel. (414) 354-0970
Fax (414) 354-6421
Part No. A0
Bulletin No. SM2-615
Write down your unit serial number(s)
here for future reference
Model #
Serial #
Performance figures stated in this manual are based on a standard atmosphere of 59°F
(15°C) at 29.92” Hg (1,014 millibars) at sea level, using 60 Hz power. Altitude is an
important consideration when specifying vacuum conveying components. Sterling can
advise you on proper selection and sizing of systems for your operating environment.
Sterling is committed to a continuing program of product improvement. Specifications,
appearance, and dimensions described in this manual are subject to change without
© Copyright Sterling 2003
All rights reserved.
Part No. A0
Effective 11/7/2003
Bulletin No. SM2-615
Page ii of 38
Table of Contents
General Information.........................................................................8
1-1 Equipment Function......................................................................................8
1-2 Necessary Documents .................................................................................8
1-3 System Capabilities......................................................................................8
1-4 Equipment Cycle ..........................................................................................9
1-5 Models Covered by this Manual ...................................................................9
2-1 Work Rules.................................................................................................11
2-2 Tools and Equipment Needed....................................................................11
2-3 Safety Considerations ................................................................................11
2-3-1 Reporting a Safety Defect ..............................................................12
2-4 General Responsibility................................................................................12
2-5 Operator Responsibility ..............................................................................13
2-6 Maintenance Responsibility........................................................................13
2-7 Safety Devices............................................................................................14
2-7-1 Safety Circuit Standards.................................................................14
2-7-2 Fail Safe Operation ........................................................................14
2-7-3 Safety Device Lock-Outs................................................................15
Shipping Information......................................................................17
3-1 Unpacking and Inspection ..........................................................................17
3-2 In the Event of Shipping Damages.............................................................17
3-3 Parcel Post Shipment.................................................................................17
3-4 United Parcel Service Shipment.................................................................18
3-5 If the Shipment is Not Complete.................................................................18
3-6 If the Shipment is Not Correct ....................................................................18
3-7 Returns.......................................................................................................18
4-1 Installing the VacTrac Control Panel ..........................................................19
4-2 Making Electrical Connections ...................................................................19
4-3 Making SSC1-5Q Control Panel Power Drop Wiring Connections ............19
4-4 Connecting the Control Panel to Vacuum Receivers .................................19
4-5 Connecting the Control Panel to the Pump Package.................................20
Page iii of 38
Table of Contents
Using the Controller .......................................................................21
5-1 Introduction.................................................................................................21
5-2 Setup ..........................................................................................................21
5-2-1 Setting Up the System....................................................................21
5-2-1-1-1 Setting Pump Parameters......................................................22
5-2-1-1-2 Setting Blowback Parameters................................................22
5-2-1-1-3 Input and Output Screen Features.........................................23
5-2-1-1-4 Changing Parameters............................................................23
5-2-2 Starting the System........................................................................23
Configurable Settings.....................................................................25
6-1 Options for Station Setup ...........................................................................25
6-2 Options for Pump Setup .............................................................................26
Troubleshooting ............................................................................28
8-1 General Troubleshooting............................................................................28
8-2 Alarms ........................................................................................................29
8-2-1 Station Alarms................................................................................29
8-2-2 Pump Alarms..................................................................................29
Options ............................................................................................30
10 Spare Parts List ..............................................................................31
10-1 Recommended Spare Parts List.................................................................31
11 Technical Assistance .....................................................................32
11-1 Contact Information for Technical Assistance ............................................32
11-2 Returned Material Policy ............................................................................33
11-2-1Credit Returns ................................................................................33
11-2-2Warranty Returns ...........................................................................33
11-3 Warranty.....................................................................................................34
12 Safety Tag Information...................................................................35
12-1 Controller Safety Tags................................................................................35
12-2 Controller Identification (Serial Number) Tag .............................................35
13 Appendix .........................................................................................36
Page iv of 38
Charts and Figures
1 SSC1-5Q Controller ............................................................................................. 10
Page v of 38
Safety Considerations
Sterling conveying systems are designed to provide safe and
reliable operation when installed and operated within design
specifications, following national and local safety codes.
To avoid possible personnel injury or equipment damage
when installing or operating this equipment, always use good
judgment and follow these safe practices:
; Follow all SAFETY CODES.
MOVING this equipment.
working on equipment. It is a good idea to remove the
fuses and carry them with you.
; GROUND your conveying system properly before
applying power.
; Use extreme caution when working with your Sterling
conveying system. HIGH VACUUM can be dangerous.
Keep body parts, tools, clothing, and debris away from
vacuum inlets.
; Do not jump or bypass any electrical safety control.
; Do not restore power until you remove all tools, test
equipment, etc.
; Only PROPERLY TRAINED personnel familiar with the
information in this manual should work on this equipment.
“SSC1-5Q” Conveying Systems
1-Pump 5-Station Controller
This controller is manufactured by ACS, Inc. at the ACS-Wood Dale facility:
ACS, Inc.
801 Wood Dale Rd.
Wood Dale, IL 60191
Phone: 630.595.1060
Fax: 630.595.6641
The equipment is distributed in Europe by our European Facility:
Daniels Industrial Estate
Stroud, Gloucestershire, England
Phone: (44) 1453 768980
Fax: (44) 1453 768990
Page 7 of 38
General Information
Equipment Function
Sterling systems create vacuum for conveying pelletized or
granular material in a central material handling system.
A typical use is an in-plant distribution system for plastic
processing plants.
Necessary Documents
The documents below are necessary for proper installation,
operation and maintenance of conveying systems. You can
obtain additional copies from the Service Department at
Sterling. Make sure that the appropriate personnel are
familiar with these documents:
• This product manual.
• The Sterling SPD/SPC Series product manual.
• Electrical schematic and connection diagrams.
• Blower and electric motor information sheets.
• Operation and Installation manuals for all electrical
1-3 System Capabilities
Sterling central vacuum systems are as varied as the
applications they service. The tubing and equipment
furnished in a Sterling system are designed to convey the
material(s) specified at the time of purchase at specific rates
and distances.
Sterling can advise you on your system capabilities based
on system makeup, distance, material, and conveying rates
you want.
System capacity is directly affected by the pressure
drop in the overall system, such as number of material
line bends, pipe length, Y-tubes, T-tubes, etc.
Page 8 of 38
Use the minimum effective amount of vinyl flex hose to
maximize material line efficiency. Keep material lines as
straight as possible. Refer to the Sterling SPD/SPC Series
Product Manual (Sterling Part No. A0571050) for installation
Important! Vacuum leaks occurring anywhere in your system reduce capacity.
1-4 Equipment Cycle
Sterling material conveying systems are used for automatic
pneumatic handling of most free-flowing, dry, pelletized, or
granular materials. Material characteristics determine the
type of equipment needed to convey the material.
1-5 Models Covered by this Manual
SSC1-5Q 5-Station Controller
• Programmable Logic Controller.
• 24 VDC control circuits.
• Easy-to-use operator interface.
• Audible/visual alarm.
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Figure 1: SSC1-5Q Controller
6” Display
* Depth dimension is 12”
Page 10 of 38
Work Rules
The installation, operation, and maintenance of this
equipment must be conducted in accordance with all appli-
cable work and safety codes for the installation location. This
may include, but is not limited to OSHA, NEC, CSA, SPI,
and any other local, national, and international regulations.
; Read and follow these operating instructions when
installing, operating, and maintaining this equipment. If
the instructions become damaged or unreadable,
additional copies are available from Sterling.
; Only qualified personnel familiar with this equipment
should work with this system.
; Work only with approved tools and devices.
; Disconnect and lock out power while working on this
2-2 Tools and Equipment Needed
These tools and equipment are necessary for installation:
; Hand tools.
; Wire, conduit, and fittings for wiring runs.
; Anchor bolts with nuts and washers or red head-type
2-3 Safety Considerations
have specific meanings in this manual.
NOTICE is used to indicate a statement of company policy
directly or indirectly related to the safety of personnel or
protection of property.
CAUTION indicates a potentially hazardous situation which,
if not avoided, may result in minor injury.
WARNING indicates a potentially hazardous situation which,
if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
Page 11 of 38
DANGER indicates an imminently hazardous situation
which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
This word will be limited to the most serious situations.
The term IMPORTANT emphasizes areas where equipment
damage could result, or provides additional information to
make a step or procedure easier to understand. Disregarding
information marked IMPORTANT would not be likely to
cause personal injury.
2-3-1 Reporting a Safety Defect
If you believe that your equipment has a defect that could
cause injury, you should immediately discontinue its use and
inform Sterling.
The principle factors that can result in injury are failure to
follow proper operating procedures (i.e. lockout/tagout), or
failure to maintain a clean and safe working environment.
2-4 General Responsibility
No mater who you are, safety is important. Owners,
operators and maintenance personnel must realize that
every day, safety is a vital part of their jobs.
If your main concern is loss of productivity, remember that
production is always affected in a negative way following an
accident. The following are some of the ways that accidents
can affect your production:
• Loss of a skilled operator (temporarily or permanently)
• Breakdown of shop morale
• Costly damage to equipment
• Downtime
An effective safety program is responsible and economically
Organize a safety committee or group, and hold regular
meetings. Promote this group from the management level.
Through this group, the safety program can be continually
reviewed, maintained, and improved. Keep minutes or a
record of the meetings.
Page 12 of 38
Hold daily equipment inspections in addition to regular
maintenance checks. You will keep your equipment safe for
production and exhibit your commitment to safety.
Please read and use this manual as a guide to equipment
safety. This manual contains safety warnings throughout,
specific to each function and point of operation.
2-5 Operator Responsibility
The operator’s responsibility does not end with efficient
production. The operator usually has the most daily contact
with the equipment and intimately knows its capabilities and
Plant and personnel safety is sometimes forgotten in the
desire to meet incentive rates, or through a casual attitude
toward machinery formed over a period of months or years.
Your employer probably has established a set of safety rules
in your workplace. Those rules, this manual, or any other
safety information will not keep you from being injured while
operating your equipment.
Learn and always use safe operation. Cooperate with co-
workers to promote safe practices. Immediately report any
potentially dangerous situation to your supervisor or
appropriate person.
2-6 Maintenance Responsibility
Proper maintenance is essential to safety. If you are a
maintenance worker, you must make safety a priority to
effectively repair and maintain equipment.
Before removing, adjusting, or replacing parts on a machine,
remember to turn off all electric supplies and all accessory
equipment at the machine, and disconnect and lockout
electrical power. Attach warning tags to the disconnect
Be sure that all non-current carrying parts are correctly
connected to earth ground with an electrical conductor that
complies with current codes. Install in accordance with
national and local codes.
When you have completed the repair or maintenance
procedure, check your work, remove your tools. Rigging, and
handling equipment.
Page 13 of 38
2-7 Safety Devices
This section includes information on safety devices and
procedures that are inherent to the SSC1-5Q Controller. This
manual is not intended to supersede or alter safety
standards established by the user of this equipment. Instead,
the material contained in this section is recommended to
supplement these procedures in order to provide a safer
working environment.
At the completion of this section, the operator and
maintenance personnel will be able to do the following:
• Identify and locate specific safety devices.
• Understand the proper use of the safety devices provided.
• Describe the function of the safety device.
2-7-1 Safety Circuit Standards
Safety circuits used in industrial systems protect the operator
and maintenance personnel from dangerous energy. They
also provide a means of locking out or isolating the energy
for servicing equipment.
Various agencies have contributed to the establishment of
safety standards that apply to the design and manufacture of
automated equipment. The Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA) and the Joint Industrial council (JIC)
are just a few of the organizations that have joined with the
plastics industry to develop safety standards.
Every effort has been made to incorporate these standards
into the design of the SPD/SPC system; however, it is the
responsibility of the personnel operating and maintaining the
equipment to familiarize themselves with the safety
procedures and the proper use of any safety devices.
2-7-2 Fail Safe Operation
If a safety device or circuit should fail, the design must be
such that the failure causes a “Safe” condition. As an
example, a safety switch must be a normally open switch.
The switch must be held closed with the device it is to
protect. If the switch fails, it will go to the open condition,
tripping out the safety circuit.
At no time should the safety device fail and allow the
operation to continue for example, if a safety switch is
Page 14 of 38
guarding a motor, and the safety switch fails, the motor
should not be able to run.
2-7-3 Safety Device Lock-Outs
Some safety devices disconnect electrical energy from a
circuit. The safety devices that are used in the SSC1-5Q
Controller are primarily concerned with electrical power
WARNING! Always disconnect and lockout all electrical power and pneumatic
(i.e. compressed air) sources prior to servicing the SSC1-5Q
Controller. Failure to do so may result in serious injury. No one but
the person who installed the lockout may remove it.
Page 15 of 38
Page 16 of 38
Shipping Information
Unpacking and Inspection
You should inspect your Sterling SSC1-5Q 5-station
controller for any possible shipping damage. If the container
and packing materials are in re-usable condition, save them
for reshipment if necessary.
Thoroughly check the equipment for any damage that might
have occurred in transit, such as broken or loose wiring and
components, loose hardware and mounting screws, etc. In
case of breakage, damage, shortage, or incorrect shipment,
refer to the following sections.
3-2 In the Event of Shipping Damages
Important! According to the contract terms and conditions of the Carrier, the
responsibility of the Shipper ends at the time and place of
; Notify the transportation company’s local agent if you
discover damage.
; Hold the damaged goods and packing material for the
examining agent’s inspection. Do not return any goods to
Sterling before the transportation company inspection
and authorization.
; File a claim against the transportation company.
Substantiate the claim by referring to the agent’s report.
A certified copy of our invoice is available upon request.
The original Bill of Lading is attached to our original
invoice. If the shipment was prepaid, write us for a
receipted transportation bill.
; Advise Sterling regarding your wish for assistance and to
obtain an RMA (return material authorization) number.
3-3 Parcel Post Shipment
Notify Sterling at once in writing, giving details of the loss or
damage. This information is required for filing a claim with
our insurance company.
Page 17 of 38
Hold the damaged goods with the container and packing
materials for possible inspection by postal authorities.
3-4 United Parcel Service Shipment
; Contact your local UPS office regarding damage and
insurance claims.
; Retain the container and packing.
; Notify Sterling at once.
3-5 If the Shipment is Not Complete
Check the packing list. The apparent shortage may be inten-
tional. Back-ordered items are noted on the packing list. You
should have:
; Sterling SSC1-5Q 5-station controller
; Bill of Lading
; Packing list
; Operating and Installation packet
; Electrical schematic and panel layout drawings
; Component instruction manuals
Re-inspect the container and packing material to see if you
missed any smaller items during unpacking. Determine that
the item was not inadvertently taken from the area before
you checked in the shipment. Notify Sterling immediately of
the shortage.
3-6 If the Shipment is Not Correct
If the shipment is not what you ordered, contact Sterling
immediately. For shipments in the United States and
Canada, call 1 (414) 354-0970; for all other countries, call
001 (414) 354-0970. Include the order number and item.
Hold the items until you receive shipping instructions.
3-7 Returns
Important! Do not return any damaged or incorrect items until you receive
shipping instructions from Sterling.
Page 18 of 38
4-1 Installing the SCC1-5Q Control Panel
Note: Before you mount the panel, consider how you run wiring to
the vacuum receivers, the filter chamber atmospheric valve
(if so equipped) and the pump motor starter(s), vacuum
switch(es), and vent valve(s).
Mount the panel on a flat, vertical area. It should be a visible
area that gives your operator access to the control. The
panel requires a low voltage power drop as listed on the
serial tag.
4-2 Making Electrical Connections
Refer to local electrical codes, the schematic and connection
diagrams supplied with this unit and the serial tag for wiring
considerations. Run all wiring in conduit if codes require it.
4-3 Making SSC1-5Q Control Panel Power Drop Wiring
Hardwire the input power at 110/1/50-60 VAC or 230V/1/50-
60 VAC, depending on the specifications, which are located
on the SSC1-5Q Control Panel Serial Tag. The main power
switch is located on the right side of the enclosure.
Important! Sterling recommends that you protect PLC memory by providing
the control panel with a dedicated circuit, a true earth ground, and
a spike/surge protector.
4-4 Connecting the Control Panel to Vacuum Receivers
1. On 24 VDC control voltage systems, run a common +24
VDC wire and a common 0 (zero) VDC wire from the
controller to each vacuum receiver in the SSC system.
2. On all systems, run two wires to each vacuum receiver:
one each from the controller to the Bin-Full switch (LS)
and to the Atmospheric/Sequence-T solenoid (SOL)
3. Make sure that the solenoid and the proximity switch (if
supplied) on vacuum receivers are the same voltage (24
Page 19 of 38
VDC) as the SSC control panel voltage. Consult the
control panel serial tag and the solenoid valve
4. Wire size depends on control voltage, distance, number
of vacuum receivers, and the number of wires in each
raceway. Consult a qualified electrician.
5. Properly ground each receiver to reduce static build up
generated by material conveying.
4-5 Connecting the Control Panel to the Pump Package
1. Wire the pump package motor starter coil (M) to the
terminal provided in the SSC control panel enclosure.
2. Wire the pump package vacuum relief valve solenoid
(SOL A) to the terminal provided in the SSC control
panel enclosure.
3. Wire the pump package vacuum switch (VS) to the
terminal located in the SSC control panel enclosure (If
4. On SPDB pumps, wire the pump package blowback
solenoid (SOL B) to the terminal located in the SSC
control panel enclosure.
Wire the pump package motor overload to the terminal
provided in the SSC control panel enclosure.
5. On 24 VDC control voltage systems, run a common +24
VDC wire and a common 0 (zero) VDC wire from the
controller to each pump package in the conveying
4-6 Special Timed Convey
Connect +24 VDC to inputs 11-15, corresponding to Stations
1-5, to enable the Special Timed Convey feature.
Page 20 of 38
Using the Controller
5-1 Introduction
This chapter gives the procedures for configuring your
SSC1-5Q controller.
Configuration of your SSC1-50Q controller includes setting
the number of stations, setting variables such as convey
time and blow-back interval. Sterling recommends that you
carry out these procedures in the order given here.
5-2 Setup
Important! Before carrying out these procedures, install all equipment as
described in Chapter 4: “Installation”, and in the manual SPD/SPC
Series Conveying Systems.
5-2-1 Setting Up the System
This section provides an overview of the controller screens used in
configuring the system. Section 6 provides a detailed explanation of the
features listed on each screen.
5-2-1-1 Basic Menus and Setup of Controller
Once power has been applied to a properly installed
system, turn the disconnect switch to the ON position.
The alpha controller will display the screen for receiver 1
(Hopper 1).
Page 21 of 38
This screen allows the operator to adjust the convey time
(CONVEY), dump delay (DUMP), and the number of tries
before the no convy alarm activates (NO CONVEY).
To disable a station, set the convey time to 0 (zero).
DO NOT set the Dump delay or No Convey to 0 (zero).
To set the parameters for each receiver, use the left (◄)
or right (►) arrow keys to scroll through the settings for
the next (►) or previous (◄) receiver.
5-2-1-1-1 Setting Pump Parameters
To access the pump screen, press the right
arrow key (►) when in the station 5 screen or
press the left arrow key (◄) when in the
blowback screen.
This screen allows the operator to adjust the
pump motor ramp up/ramp down time (RAMP)
and the amount of time the pump runs unloaded
before shutting off (IDLE).
DO NOT set the Idle Time or Ramp time to 0 (Zero).
5-2-1-1-2 Setting Blowback Parameters
Once the pump parameters have been set, the
blowback parameters will need to be configured.
This screen can be accessed for each station,
by pressing the right arrow key (►) when in the
pump parameters screen (RAMP and IDLE
times are displayed).
This screen allows the operator to adjust all
those settings related to cleaning the filter
chamber: the number of conveys before
blowback (CNV>BB), the duration between
blowback pules (BB OFF), the duration of the
pulse (BB ON), and the number of cleaning
pulses (BB CYC).
Page 22 of 38
Setting either the CNV>BB or BB CYC parameters to “0” will disable
the blowback feature. DO NOT set other blowback parameters to “0.”
5-2-1-1-3 Input and Output Screen Features
To access the I/O screen, press the right arrow
key (►) when the Blowback Parameter screen
is displayed or the left arrow key (◄) when the
Convey/Dump/No Convey screen is displayed.
The I/O screen allows a service technician to
view the status of the controller’s inputs and
outputs during operation.
5-2-1-1-4 Changing Parameters
To change the settings in the Conveying, Pump
Parameters, or Blowback screens {To access
the required screen, press the right (►) or the
left arrow key (◄)}, the following operations will
need to be performed:
1. When the controller is in the menu screen
of the feature you wish to configure, press
the up (▲) and down (▼) arrow keys to
select the value you wish to change. (The
parameter value will flash when selected.)
2. Use the Plus (+) key to increase the value
or the Minus (-) key to decrease the value.
3. Press the OK key to update and accept the
new value entered.
4. Press the ESC key to cancel the
parameters you entered and return the
values to the previous settings.
Starting the System
Once you have finished the setup procedues described on
the previous pages, you are now ready to start the system.
To start your system, complete the following steps.
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1. Press the green START pushbutton in. The controller
will display “✷✷✷” in the lower right corner of station and
pump setup screens.
Once the system has been started, each active station is
polled in sequence for a demand signal. The convey
sequence upon initiation, will continue until the set
convey time has elapsed or the demand signal stops,
whichever happens first. If the Special Timed Convey
feature is enabled, conveying will continue until the
convey time has elapsed. (Once station dump delay has
been initiated during the convey sequence, a new
demand signal will be ignored.) If the blowback
sequence begins immediately following the convey
sequence, the sequence valve will remain open
throughout the blowback sequence.
2. If during operation, a station conveys the specified
number of consecutive times without clearing the
demand signal, the NO CONVEY alarm will activate.
Press the ALARM SILENCE pushbutton and hold it in to
clear the alarm. The no convey alarm will sound in
3. Should the high vacuum pressure switch activate, the
HIGH VACUUM alarm will sound. Press the ALARM
SILENCE pushbutton and hold it in to clear the alarm.
The high vaccum alarm will sound in SHORT TONES.
4. If the pump motor contactor fails or the pump motor
overload trips, the PUMP FAULT alarm will be activated.
Press the ALARM SILENCE pushbutton and hold it in to
clear the alarm. The pump fault alarm will sound in a
5. To stop conveying, depress the green START
pushbutton. The controller will no longer display “✷✷✷”
on the station and pump setup screens.
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Configurable Settings
This section describes the proper setup of the SSC1-5Q
control system parameters. These parameters are operator
changeable; however, these items should require setup only
during the initial installation. Only authorized personnel
should change them.
Many of the variables and setup parameters have been
preset at the factory and do not need to be changed.
However, this section of the manual will address all of the
setup parameters that were available at the time of printing.
The purpose of this is to familiarize the reader with all the
setup parameters and their usage.
6-1 Options for Station Setup
Conveying Components
Convey time
Length of time the station’s vacuum valve remains open to
allow material to be drawn in. (For a volume-fill station, the
valve closes when material covers the station’s volume-fill
proximity sensor or this time elapses, whichever comes first.)
15 sec.
Adjust this value to match the actual time needed to fill the
station. To disable a station, set the convey time to Ø
Dump delay
Length of time allowed for material to drain from the station into
the receiver. The controller will not attempt to deliver more
material to the station until this time has elapsed.
10 sec.
Adjust this value to match the actual time needed to drain the
station. If it is set too short, the controller may attempt to refill
the station before it is empty, causing material to back up
and/or underusing the station’s capacity. If it is set too long, the
system may be unable to keep up with your equipment’s
demand for material. DO NOT SET TO “Ø”.
No convey
The controller issues a “no convey” alarm if it has repeatedly
attempted to convey material to the station but the flapper
never opened during the dump delay. (The number of attempts
is controlled by this setting.)
The setting for this option depends on (a) how much material
your injection mold uses to make each part compared with the
capacity of the receiver and (b) how important it is to keep your
injection mold from running out of material and shutting down.
A higher setting will give you fewer alarms, at the risk of
emptying the receiver without warning. A lower setting will give
more frequent alarms, at the risk of disrupting operations
unnecessarily. DO NOT SET TO “Ø”.
Page 25 of 38
6-2 Options for Pump Setup
The ramp time represents the amount of time it takes for the
vacuum blower to come up to full speed once it has been
turned on. The ramp down time represents the amount of
time it takes the blower to stop once it has been turned off.
The ramp up time lets the blower reach full speed unloaded.
When the ramp up time is reached, the vent valve will open
and allow the pump to draw a vacuum on the main vacuum
line. This in turn will open the receiver sequence valve
connected to the main vacuum line and allow material to be
drawn into the vacuum receiver.
The ramp down time allows the vacuum blower to come to a
full stop before it can be started again. This prevents the
blower motor from becoming a generator and blowing fuses.
Pump Settings
Length of time the pump continues to run unloaded without
demand from any station. After this time has elapsed, the pump
shuts down to save power and to prevent wear on the pump.
Adjust this setting to fit the needs of your facility in trading off the
savings against the costs associated with waiting for a pump to
start up when there is a demand for material.
45 sec.
Ramp Up
This feature specifies the time (in seconds) allowed for the pump
motor to reach operating speed.
This feature specifies the time (in seconds) allowed for the pump
motor to come to a complete stop.
When this option is enabled, the controller periodically sends
compressed air backward through the pump’s air filter to dislodge
accumulated dust and debris.
5 sec.
5 sec.
Ramp Down
(Ramp Dn)
Conveys Before
Enable this option if and only if the pump has the equipment for
compressed-air filter cleaning. Set to Ø to Disable Blowback.
Number of conveying cycles to stations between filter cleanings.
Adjust this setting based on experience. The more dust and
debris in your material line, the smaller this number needs to be.
Pulse On Time
Tenths of seconds that the air pulse remains on for each cleaning
pulse during filter cleaning.
1.6 sec.
If blow-back is not working as desired, the Sterling service may
ask you to change this setting.
Tenths of seconds between air pulses during filter cleaning.
If blow-back is not working as desired, the Sterling service may ask you
to change this setting.
Pulse Off time
0.8 sec.
Numbler of cleaning
pulses (No. Pulses)
Number of pulses of compressed air sent through the pump’s
filter during cleaning.
If blow-back is not working as desired, the Sterling service may
ask you to change this setting. Set to Ø to Disable Blowback.
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No Periodic maintenance is required on this unit.
Page 27 of 38
General Troubleshooting
Possible Cause
The control panel doesn’t light up The control panel is not turned
Turn on the control panel.
at all
The external disconnect
(recommended) in the dedicated
circuit is open (off).
Close the switch (on).
Fuse/circuit breaker in the power Replace/reset.
drop is blown/tripped.
Control power switch is broken.
The motor overload has tripped.
A pump package doesn’t run,
even though it is on-line and its
indicator is lit.
Reset the overload and check
the motor for the proper amp
draw on tag.
Main fuse in power drop or
optional fused disconnect has
Replace the fuse.
Motor contact is faulty.
Repair or replace as required.
A vacuum receiver is being by-
passed in the loading cycle.
The vacuum receiver is off-line.
Use the controller to put the
vacuum receiver on-line.
The convey time for the vacuum
receiver is set to zero.
Use the controller to enter a
longer convey time.
The field-installed station bypass Normal operation. Set the switch
switch is simulating a Bin Full
so the vacuum receiver is back in
the loading sequence.
The field-installed station bypass Repair, replace, or re-wire.
switch is bad or mis-wired.
The vacuum receiver was
assigned to the wrong pump
during setup.
Repeat the setup procedure.
Vacuum receivers are overfilling. Conveying times are too long
(Time Fill Mode only).
Time the vacuum receiver (s)
during loading, and set the
conveying times to a few
seconds less.
Maximum conveying times are
too long, and the PLC does not
recognize the Vacuum Receiver
Full Proximity Switch(es).
Check proximity sensors for
proper operation and proper
wiring to the PLC. Repair as
needed. Reset the conveying
times to a reasonable value, and
adjust as needed.
Page 28 of 38
The format for all station alarms is “Station n [alarm text],” for
example, “Station 12 receiver low level.” The format for all
pump alarms is “Pump n [alarm text].” Any alarm that does
not start with “Station” or “Pump” is a system alarm.
The following tables list all alarms alphabetically, together
with possible causes. A “critical” alarm is one that causes the
affected device to stop.
Note: You can also see a list of alarms and their causes in the
controller’s online help. To display this information, touch the
color key of statuses in the upper right-hand corner of either
the “Station Status” or the “Pump Status” screen, or touch
Help at any other screen. When you are finished reviewing
the help, touch Return.
8-2-1 Station Alarms
Alarm message
Possible cause
Material line is blocked.
Vacuum line is blocked.
Convey time is too long (time-fill station only).
Sequence valve has malfunctioned.
Vacuum switch has malfunctioned.
High vacuum
Note: After you have corrected the cause of this alarm, the alarm will be
cleared when the controller has conveyed a full load to this station.
Material container is empty.
Material line is disconnected from material source.
Vacuum line is disconnected from station.
Take-off compartment is not adjusted properly.
Convey time is too short.
No convey
Note: As a stopgap measure, you can disable the “no convey” alarm for
this station until the problem can be remedied.
8-2-2 Pump Alarms
Alarm message
Pump failure
Possible cause
Circuit breaker or overload protector has tripped.
Contactor has malfunctioned.
Page 29 of 38
The following is a list of options that your controller may be
equipped with:
230/1/60 Operation
Required to operate with a 230/1/60 supply voltage.
CE Package for 220/1/50 Operation
Required in Europe and other areas that need 220/1/50
supply voltage
Remote Audible/visual alarm
Alarm light and horn assembly that can be remote mounted
and wired into the controller to indicate an alarm condition.
Page 30 of 38
Spare Parts List
10-1 Recommended Spare Parts List
Sterling Part Number
Vendor Part Number
Page 31 of 38
Technical Assistance
11-1 Contact Information for Technical Assistance
Parts Department
Call toll-free 7am–5pm CST 800 423-3183 or call 354-0970, Fax [414] 354-6421
The ACS Customer Service Group will provide your company with genuine OEM quality parts manufactured to
Sterling engineering design specifications, which will maximize your equipment’s performance and efficiency. To
assist in expediting your phone or fax order, please have the model and serial number of your unit when you contact
us. A customer replacement parts list is included in this manual for your convenience. ACS welcomes inquiries on
all your Sterling parts needs and is dedicated to providing excellent customer service.
Service Department
] 3
Call toll-free 8am–5pm CST 800 657-4679 or call 414 54-0970
Emergencies after 5pm CST, call 847 439-5655
Sterling has a qualified service department ready to help. Service contracts are available for most Sterling products.
Sales Department
354-0970 Monday–Friday, 8am–5pm CST
Sterling products are sold by a world-wide network of independent sales representatives. Contact our Sales
Department for the name of the sales representative nearest you.
Contract Department
Call 414 354-0970 Monday–Friday, 8am–5pm CST
Let Sterling install your system. The Contract Department offers any or all of these services: project planning; system
packages including drawings; equipment, labor, and construction materials; and union or non-union installations.
5200 W. Clinton Ave
Milwaukee, WI 53223
414 354-0970 • Fax
Page 32 of 38
11-2 Returned Material Policy
11-2-1Credit Returns
1. Prior to the return of any material, authorization must be
given by Sterling. A RMS number will be assigned for
the equipment to be returned.
2. Reason for requesting the return must be given.
3. All returned material purchased from Sterling returned is
subject to 15% ($75.00 minimum) restocking charge.
4. All returns are to be shipped prepaid.
5. The invoice number and date or purchase order number
and date must be supplied.
6. No credit will be issued for material that is not within the
manufacturer’s warranty period and/or in new and
unused condition, suitable for resale.
11-2-2Warranty Returns
1. Prior to the return of any material, authorization must be
given by Sterling. A RMS number will be assigned for
the equipment to be returned.
2. Reason for requesting the return must be given.
3. All returns are to be shipped prepaid.
4. The invoice number and date or purchase order number
and date must be supplied.
5. After inspecting the material, a replacement or credit will
be given, at Sterling’s discretion, if the item is found to
be defective in materials or workmanship, and it was
manufactured by Sterling. Purchased components are
covered under their specific warranty terms.
Page 33 of 38
Sterling warrants all equipment manufactured by it to be
free from defects in workmanship and material when used
under recommended conditions. The Company’s obligation
is limited to repair or replace FOB the factory any parts that
are returned prepaid within one year of equipment shipment
to the original purchaser, and which, in the Company’s
opinion, are defective. Any replacement part assumes the
unused portion of this warranty.
This parts warranty does not cover any labor charges for
replacement of parts, adjustment repairs, or any other work.
This warranty does not apply to any equipment which, in the
Company’s opinion, has been subjected to misuse,
negligence, or operation in excess of recommended limits,
including freezing or which has been repaired or altered
without the Company’s express authorization. If the serial
number has been defaced or removed from the component,
the warranty on that component is void. Defective parts
become the property of the warrantor and are to be returned.
The Company is not liable for any incidental, consequential,
or special damages or expense. The Company’s obligation
for parts not furnished as components of its manufactured
equipment is limited to the warranty of the manufacturers of
said parts.
Any sales, use, excise, or other tax incident to the
replacement of parts under this warranty is the responsibility
of the purchaser.
The company neither assumes nor authorizes any other
persons to assume for it any liability in connection with the
sale of its equipment not expressed in this warranty.
Page 34 of 38
Safety Tag Information
12-1 Controller Safety Tags
High Voltage
Inside Enclosure
Read Operation and
Installation Manual
12-2Controller Identification (Serial Number) Tag
(Located on the side of the controller box)
5200 W. Clinton Ave
Milwaukee, WI 53223
Tel. (414) 354-0970
Fax (414) 354-6421
Model No. SSC1-5Q
Serial No. 31K0182
115 Volt
60 Hz
Control Voltage 24VDC
Page 35 of 38
Review electrical drawings supplied in the packet with the
Page 36 of 38
Sterling warrants all equipment manufactured by it to be free from defects in workmanship and
material when used under recommended conditions. The Company’s obligation is limited to repair
or replace FOB the factory any parts that are returned prepaid within one (1) year of equipment
shipment to the original purchaser, and which, in the Company’s opinion, are defective. Any
replacement part assumes the unused portion of this warranty.
This warranty does not apply to any equipment which, in the Company’s opinion, has been
subjected to misuse, negligence, or operation in excess of recommended limits or which has been
repaired or altered without the Company’s express authorization. If the serial number has been
defaced or removed from the component, the warranty on that component is void. Defective parts
become the property of the warrantor and are to be returned.
The Company is not liable for any incidental, consequential, or special damages or expenses. The
Company’s obligation for parts not furnished as components of its manufactured equipment is
limited to the warranty of the manufacturers of said parts.
Any sales, use, excise, or other tax incident to the replacement of parts under this warranty is the
responsibility of the purchaser.
The company neither assumes nor authorizes any other persons to assume for it any liability in
connection with the sale of its equipment not expressed in this warranty.
Many types of Sterling equipment carry an additional one-year service policy. Consult your
Sterling/Sterlco sales representative for specific details.
PO Box 245018 • 5200 W. Clinton Avenue • Milwaukee, WI 53224-9518 USA
Phone (414) 354-0970 • Fax (414) 354-6421
Service Department
Call Toll Free
(800) 783-7835
Auxiliary Equipment for the Process Industries
PO Box 245018
5200 West Clinton Avenue • Milwaukee, WI 53224-9518
(414) 354-0970 • Fax (414) 354-6421
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Process Heating/
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