Sun Fire X4500 as a Symantec
Netbackup 6.5 Media Server
A Quick Start Guide
Sun Microsystems
December 11, 2007
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Table of Contents
Configuration .................................................................................................................................................. 4
Overview............................................................................................................................................................... 4
Solaris Configuration.............................................................................................................................................. 5
Zpool Configuration................................................................................................................................................ 5
ZFS Configuration................................................................................................................................................... 6
Netbackup Configuration....................................................................................................................................... 7
Frequently Asked Questions............................................................................................................................. 16
Summary....................................................................................................................................................... 18
References..................................................................................................................................................... 19
3 Introduction
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
The Sun Fire(TM) X4500 server delivers massive storage capacity and remarkable throughput making it an ideal nearline
storage platform for backup and restore applications. Combining the power of the Solaris 10 Operating System with the
data integrity and simplified administration of ZFS, the X4500 becomes an ideal candidate for streamlining and
improving backup/restore operations.
This paper discusses how to quickly configure the X4500 as a Media Server for Symantec Veritas NetBackup.
4 Configuration
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
The below diagram shows an example NBU configuration with the X4500 acting as a Media Server. The default NIC
configuration on the X4500 allows up to four physical GigaBit Ethernet connections to be attached. The four
connections can be utilized to back up four separate subnets, or the links can be aggregated together using dladm(1M)
for improved throughput to a single subnet.
Netbackup Master
X4500 Netbackup
Media Server
Optional Tape Library for
Archiving and Long Term or
Offsite Storage
The X4500 can also be connected to an optional Tape Library (using FibreChannel or SCSI connections) for Image
Duplication or Archiving purposes. The X4500 can also be used as the primary data cache for Staging operations, with a
Tape Library be utilized for longer term storage and data moved to tape after certain filesystem utilization or time-
based thresholds are reached. It is also possible that the Tape Library is attached to a completely separate Media
5 Configuration
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Solaris Configuration
The X4500 server used while testing for this paper was installed with Solaris 10 8/07. This is the recommended version
to use with Netbackup as various ZFS improvements were introduced in this build.
The X4500 has 48 500GB SATA drives. The two boot drives (c5t0d0 and c5t4d0) are mirrored using Solaris Volume
Manager. The rest of the drives are available for backup data.
Zpool Configuration
Zpool configuration is a decision that needs to be made based on a number of factors.
What is the required performance needed? (IOPS/Throughput)
What is the required data protection level needed? (RAIDZ/RAIDZ2/Mirror)
What is the required capacity?
After gathering and analyzing the requirements, a configuration that balances the needs of those requirements can be
When configuring the system for network backups, the ability of the X4500 to receive data over the network is also a
factor. For example, a 450MB/s backup speed requirement cannot be met solely by using the 4 onboard Gigabit
Network ports. Additional network cards would be needed to meet this requirement.
Care should be taken that a system is not over configured for disk performance, at the expense of space or data
protection, when the entire system (encompassing backup clients and network infrastructure) is not able to send data
at adequate levels. Likewise, a system should not be over configured for space at the expense of performance or data
For the purposes of this Quick Start Guide, the X4500 was configured one zpool consisting of 8 x 5 disk RAIDZ vdevs.
Additionally, 6 hotspares were configured for reliability. This gives the X4500 sufficient disk performance to handle 300-
350MB/sec of backup traffic over the network.
Example Zpool creation script:
zpool create -f nbupool raidz c0t0d0 c1t0d0 c4t0d0 c6t0d0 c7t0d0 \
raidz c0t1d0 c1t1d0 c4t1d0 c5t1d0 c7t1d0 \
raidz c0t2d0 c1t2d0 c5t2d0 c6t2d0 c7t2d0 \
raidz c0t3d0 c1t3d0 c4t3d0 c6t3d0 c7t3d0 \
raidz c0t4d0 c1t4d0 c4t4d0 c6t4d0 c7t4d0 \
raidz c0t5d0 c4t5d0 c5t5d0 c6t5d0 c7t5d0 \
raidz c0t6d0 c1t6d0 c4t6d0 c5t6d0 c6t6d0 \
raidz c1t7d0 c4t7d0 c5t7d0 c6t7d0 c7t7d0 \
spare c6t1d0 c5t3d0 c4t2d0 c1t5d0 c7t6d0 c0t7d0
6 Configuration
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
root@thumper1 # zpool list
18.1T 58.6G 18.1T 0% ONLINE
The size listed in the above command is the actual physical space in the pool. This may differ from the actual space
data may occupy as various RAIDZ methods and configurations are not taken into account. See the zpool(1M) man page
for more details.
ZFS Configuration
In this example, the X4500 Media Server is configured to write to Basic Disk Storage Units. Each Storage Unit is created
from a ZFS filesystem mountpoint. The number of filesystems needed will be a implementation by implementation
decision but a few factors should be considered.
Number of Backup/Recover streams needed
Number of duplication or stage operations needed
Number of Tape Drives configured for duplication or stage operations
In this example, 4 backup filesystems are created (/backup1, /backup2, /backup3, /backup4). Testing has shown that
creating a single ZFS filesystem for all backup streams is a bottleneck that limits the throughput to 200-250MB/sec.
Using multiple filesystems in parallel eliminates that bottleneck.
Example ZFS filesytem creation script:
for fs in 1 2 3 4
zfs create -o mountpoint=/backup$fs nbupool/backup$fs
root@thumper1 # zfs list
46.8G 14.2T 39.1K /nbupool
nbupool/backup1 14.8G 14.2T 14.8G /backup1
nbupool/backup2 10.8G 14.2T 10.8G /backup2
nbupool/backup3 5.38G 14.2T 5.38G /backup3
nbupool/backup4 15.8G 14.2T 15.8G /backup4
7 Configuration
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Netbackup Configuration
The X4500 will be configured as a Media Server. In this example, it is assumed that there is a separate Master NBU
The “Netbackup and Media Manager” package must be installed on the X4500. It also will require the appropriate
server licensing.
It is recommended that the Master server's bp.conf file be updated with the new Media server information before
installing the software on the media server. An example is shown below.
The supported installation method is using the install script that comes with the Netbackup Installation media.
root@thumper1 # /nfs/nbu-new/DVD2/install
Symantec Installation Script
Copyright 1993 - 2007 Symantec Corporation, All Rights Reserved.
Installing NetBackup Server Software
NOTE: To install only NetBackup Client software locally on this machine
or to load additional UNIX client software on this server, insert
the NetBackup UNIX Clients cdrom.
Do you wish to continue? [y,n] (y) y
NetBackup installs to the running root environment, by default.
Are you installing to the running root environment? [y,n] (y) y
Processing package instance <SYMCnetbp> from </nfs/nbu-new/DVD2/solaris_x86>
(... rest of the installation output omitted for brevity...)
After the installation process prompts for the license key and the key is properly entered, the following questions need
to be answered
Would you like to use "thumper1" as the configured
name of the NetBackup server? [y,n] (y) y
Is thumper1 the master server? [y,n] (y) n
What is the fully qualified name of the master server? sol-230
The previously installed master server name should be entered. In this example, the master server name was “sol-230”.
After the package is installed on the X4500. The Master Server EMM database must be updated with the new Media
Server information.
From the Master Server command line:
# /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/nbemmcmd -addhost -machinename thumper1 -machinetype media -masterserver sol-230 \
-netbackupversion 6.5 -operatingsystem solaris
NBEMMCMD, Version:6.5
Command completed successfully.
8 Configuration
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Where “machinename” is the name of the X4500 and “masterserver” is the name of the Master Server.
The results of this command can be verified
# nbemmcmd -listhost
NBEMMCMD, Version:6.5
The following hosts were found:
Command completed successfully.
The bp.conf files on both Master and Media servers and any clients should be adjusted for the new Media Server.
On the Master Server
SERVER = sol-230
SERVER = thumper1
CLIENT_NAME = sol-230
EMMSERVER = sol-230
VXDBMS_NB_DATA = /usr/openv/db/data
On the Media Server
SERVER = sol-230
SERVER = thumper1
CLIENT_NAME = thumper1
EMMSERVER = sol-230
Also, any client needing access to the Media Server resources should add “SERVER=<x4500 name>” into it's bp.conf file
as well.
Restart the NetBackup processes on the Master and Media servers to have the changes recognized.
9 Configuration
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Use the NetBackup GUI for the remaining configuration
Verify that the Media Server is recognized via “Host Properties -> Media Servers” Click on the X4500 hostname to ensure
the Media Server is “Connected” The Master Server will already be listed.
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
To create a Storage Unit using the ZFS filesystems previously configured, follow the below procedures
“Storage -> Storage Units” Right-Click to add new Storage Unit
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Storage Unit Configuration
Use Basic Disk as the Type
Ensure the Media Server is the X4500
Set the Absolute pathname to one of the ZFS filesystems
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Follow the same procedures for the rest of the ZFS filesystems you have configured.
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
The individual Storage Units could then be used as backup destinations, however, configuring Storage Groups can
prove beneficial.
Add a New Storage Group
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Add the Storage Units that have been created into a Storage Group. The Storage Unit Selection will be “Round-Robin”.
This will ensure that backup streams are allocated across all units.
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Once the Storage Group is configured, the Policy Attributes for the backup jobs can be configured to use the Storage
Group as the “Policy Storage”.
16 Frequently Asked Questions
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1: How does the X4500 scale as the workload increases?
A1: Testing was done to measure scalability by saturating each onboard GigE port in turn. Three Zpool configurations
were tested. The RAIDZ1-6Spares (14.3TB of usuable space) configuration is the configuration listed in the example
earlier in this guide. The RAIDZ1-NoSpares (16.9TB of usuable space) configuration is based on the default Zpool
configuration pre-installed at the factory. The Mirror-NoSpares (10.3TB of usable space) configuration is a Single Zpool
consisting of 22 mirrored pairs. Sufficient client load was generated to ensure each GigE interface could be fully
saturated at 1 Gigabit per sec. The test data consisted of 32 GB of large files on each client. As shown in the graph
below, the X4500 can deliver close to 350 MB/sec using the 4 onboard GigE ports. Also, the testing shows that at these
data rates Zpool configuration is not a driving factor for performance. The network/CPU load becomes the bottleneck
before the Zpool.
X4500 NBU Scalability
GigE Ports
Q2: Has the configuration been tested with 10GB Ethernet?
17 Frequently Asked Questions
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
A2: Yes. A Proof-of-Concept was done for a large customer and 10GB Ethernet was part of the testing. Using a Neterion
Xframe II and the xge driver, 8 clients capable of delivering 100MB/sec each were configured to backup to a X4500.
Jumbo Frames were enabled on all components. Throughput rates of 500-550 MB/sec were achieved using the
Zpool/ZFS configurations mentioned above. Image duplication between two X4500 Media Servers was measured at 350
Q3. How can I achieve even higher aggregate backup speeds?
A4. By configuring additional X4500 Media Servers and placing all the Disk Storage Units from all Media Servers into a
single Storage Unit Group, Netbackup can effectively round-robin across multiple X4500s for even higher aggregate
throughput rates.
18 Summary
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
This guide was a Quick Start introduction into configuring the Sun Fire X4500 as a disk-cache Media Server for Veritas
Netbackup 6.5. It gave examples on configuring the zpool and zfs filesystems on Solaris and how to configuration the
Netbackup application to utilize the X4500. Using this guide, backup throughput rates of over 1TB per hour are
19 References
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
i. Veritas Netbackup 6.5 Documentation
ii. Sun Fire X4500 Document Collection
iii. Solaris 10 System Administrator Collection
iv. Solaris Internals Website
1. ZFS Best Practices Guide -
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